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Join Hands Together for Gau Sewa 

Every Day, with care and dedication, we prepare nourishing Rotis(Chapati/Bread) for Hungry and Homeless Cows.

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”  

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Quarterly Sewa


  • 1 Roti per day for 3 Months

Half Yearly Sewa


  • 1 Roti per day for 6 Month 

Monthly Sewa


  • 1 Roti per day for 1 month 

Lifetime Sewa


  • 1 Roti per day for whole Life 

Yearly Sewa


  • 1 Roti per day for 12 month 

Act of Charity (DAAN)

Feeding cows is considered a virtuous act in Hinduism, associated with the concept of "daan" (charity). Providing food to cows, including roti, is seen as an act of kindness and generosity. It is believed that performing such acts can bring positive karma and spiritual benefits. 

Accumulation of Good Karma 

Contributes to spiritual progress and liberation (moksha) 

Fulfilling Dharma

Engaging in cow sewa aligns with one's dharma (duty)

Divine Blessings

Acts of kindness towards cows please deities and attract their favor

Practice of Ahimsa (Non-Violence)

Cow sewa reflects the principle of ahimsa (non-violence).

Respect for Life

By Cow Sewa, individuals demonstrate respect for life and the interconnectedness of all beings.

Preservation of Tradition

Cow sewa helps preserve cultural practices and traditions.

Gau Mata Sewa

Cows are considered sacred and embody a variety of divine attributes. They are revered as symbols of life, nourishment, and the Earth’s bounty. The notion of 33 crore deities residing in a cow reflects the idea that the cow is a divine repository and symbol of all cosmic forces and divine presence.

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